5 Tips for Selecting the Most Suitable AI Solution to Automate Your Purchase-to-Pay Process

The use of artificial intelligence in automating the purchase-to-pay process has skyrocketed in recent years. Many organizations have implemented AI in their financial management and are enjoying the automation it brings. However, some have made poor choices regarding AI, missing out on its benefits. These experiences could have been very negative and may have increased […]

Differences and usage of Optical Character Recognition, Robotic Process Automation & Accounting AI

Are you engaged in the field of Accounts Payable? Then you are likely familiar with acronyms such as OCR (Optical Character Recognition), RPA (Robotic Process Automation), and AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the domain of Accounts Payable automation. However, gaining a comprehensive understanding of these terms, their operational mechanisms, their potential benefits, and the extent of […]

Artificial intelligent and financial management – what kind of a pair?

Snowfox participated in a master’s research that investigated the experiences and perceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) in financial management. Snowfox has a good understanding of the experiences of financial management personnel regarding AI. But an academic study gives a much-needed analytical perspective into the views of financial administrators. In this blog, I cover how financial […]