You can’t build an effective purchase invoice automation with traditional methods

Almost all medium and large organizations have been struggling with a manual purchase invoice process for years. I have met with hundreds of large organizations over the past couple of years and have become familiar with their purchase invoicing processes. The more I have seen different organizations, the more convinced I have become that the […]

Blog: How to increase accounts payable automation with your current software capabilities and AI?

Increasing automation in financial administration has been a bit of a struggle for companies. Sure, there are parts of processes and tasks that have been possible to automate. But one area for which there have not been great automation solutions is purchase invoice handling. Yet, this is usually where companies have a lot to gain […]

Blog: What are the typical bottlenecks in the purchase invoice process and how to fix them?

Read any finance automation software service provider’s website or finance thought leadership content and you’ll see the call for transforming financial administration into a strategic partner for business. We also say that and we firmly believe in it. But it is easier said than done.  Financial administration is often a unit where there is no […]